
Kerstconcert 2022 Nova Musica met Brass Kapelle en Nova Melodica.

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It’s Christmas
Peace on earth
Glory to God

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It's Christmas with winter wonderland SOPRAAN

met Londen Tabernacle choir | Light of the world

It's Christmas with winter wonderland ALT

met Londen Tabernacle choir | Light of the world

It's Christmas with winter wonderland TENOR

met Londen Tabernacle choir | Light of the world

It's Christmas with winter wonderland BAS

met Londen Tabernacle choir | Light of the world

Glory to God in the highest SOPRAAN

met Londen Tabernacle choir | Light of the world

Glory to God in the highest TENOR

met Londen Tabernacle choir | Light of the world

Peace on earth SOPRAAN

met Londe Tabernacle Choir | Light of the world

Peace on earth ALT

met Londe Tabernacle Choir | Light of the world

Peace on earth TENOR

met Londe Tabernacle Choir | Light of the world

Peace on earth BAS

met Londe Tabernacle Choir | Light of the world

Glory to God in the highest ALT

met Londe Tabernacle Choir | Light of the world

Glory to God in the highest BAS

met Londe Tabernacle Choir | Light of the world

13 + 6 =


Repetitie-avond: dinsdag van 19.30 uur tot 21.15 uur.

Locatie: Mozeskerk, Noordstraat 4, Kapelle-Biezelinge